The Rhodes Must Fall Movement (based on South African online casino reviewer is a collective movement of students and staff members mobilising for direct action against the reality of institutional racism at the University of Cape Town. Formed as a direct result of the Open Air dialogue that took place on Thursday 12th of March at the University of Cape town.

The chief focus of this movement is to create avenues for REAL transformation that students and staff alike have been calling for. Calls that the institution have thus far ignored or silenced.

While this movement may have been sparked around the issue of the Rhodes Statue: the existence of the statue is only one aspect of the social injustice of UCT. The fall of β€˜Rhodes’ is symbolic for the inevitable fall of white supremacy and privilege at our campus.

UCT students, workers, academics and interested staff members refuse to be alienated in their own university. If the institution will not bring true transformation to us – we will bring it to them.

Email us at: [email protected]

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